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Games for Girls
Avoid Game
You have three lives and a heap of saws, operate the person as it is possible more long to survive. Collect gold coins and bonuses they will help you to hold on longer.
Electric Rubber 2
The second part of cool game which is alternative to clickers. You drive a mouse on the area and you receive electricity, you convert it in currency and you buy various updatings. Automate system and become the magnate on energy sale.
Frozen Islands New Horizons
The second part of adventure game where you Vikings travel by the seas and oceans and you seize islands. When you took the island under the control you can levy a tax in gold and at the expense of this money to improve or employ stronger troops. Everythin
Ковбой против пришельцев (Cowboy vs UFOs)
Сохраните жизнь себе и трем своим питомцам. Вы бежите через земли индейцев и за вами летят инопланетяне на тарелках и пытаются украсть вашего коня, лошадь и собаку. Стреляйте в пришельцев и доберитесь до безопасной зоны.
Social Idle
Originally thought up game in style of mini human life on a social network. You fill in data: a name, a surname, the city, date of birth also you start inviting friends. The more boys and girls will put likes the more you will earn and you can start posti
Eternal Pharaoh
Create the empire construct many pyramids at the expense of slaves. Click to strike with a lash of the worker and earn points for which you can buy still slaves, employ women for pleasure, army for protection and so on.
Old TV
Break the old TV striking on it with a fist. At the beginning the father costs and the TV beats, then the fat child who too kicks a box joins it. Call the telemaster it causes a big loss to the TV, he is beaten by current he flies into a rage and without
Monkey Defense
В игре обезьяна сидит на дереве и бросает бананы, кокосы и ананасы в аборигенов которые хотят её поймать и зажарить на костре. Убивайте варваров, птиц, собирайте монеты и бонусы.
Angry Red Button
Забавная игра которая рассказывает про одну злую и агрессивную красную кнопку. Игра начинается с того что кнопка общается со своими разноцветными клавишами друзьями, но разговор их не сложился и красный уходит, ну а дальше что с ней случилось вы увидите.
Immense Army
Create the army from such units as: swordsman, archer, magician, paladin, sorcerer, shooter. Game somewhere is similar to a clicker to you it is necessary to increase a mouse troops and to go to the wood to be at war with necromancers, ogrs, werewolves, vampires and other opponents. Pump over attack and endurance and smooth out all lands and territories from the enemy.
Insert coin
You throw a coin into the slot machine to which the thread is attached. Pull out a coin avoiding obstacle which can cut off a rope. Set up the record and write it to the comment.
Immersed Hero
The simple not really graphically executed clicker, you attack on the monster, having killed him couple of tens times you battle to the boss, over time having saved up money you get passive attack and so you develop you won't reach the heaviest and epic m
Детская логическая в которой вы управляете двумя монстрами и помогаете им скушать еду. Помогайте друг другу но не касайтесь так как умрете, перелетайте пропасти и шипы и переходите к новому более сложному раунду.
Halfling Tycoon
In game you as the farmer who on an empty site tries to develop, earn and become man of means. In fact it is possible to call game a clicker as you help clicking on a cow, food, the wood. Get a tree, water, tangerines, food, milk sell and receive gold. De
2 Bad Ice-cream 2
Игра чем-то похожа на пакмена только вы играете за мороженное которое за время должно скушать бананы, мандарины, арбузы. Будьте аккуратны рядом ходят монстры которые легко могут вас проглотить. Чем быстрее вы пройдете раунд тем больше очков заработаете.
Trolling Lion Jump
Помогите Льву прыгать с платформы на платформу собирая куриц бекон и прочие вкусные предметы. Прыгайте аккуратно и рассчитывайте скорость шаров. Делайте комбо и собирайте лица клоунов.
Fast Minion
В этой игре вам надо лететь вверх, при этом топливо собирать надо в процессе полета. Перелетайте через препятствия, удачного вам полета.
My Dolphin Show 7
All game takes place in a dolphinarium before you public and your trainer. Execute tricks please audience, the better you carry out the more audience is replenished with people. Don't bring the trainer and pass all levels with various complexity. This chi
Crusaders of the Lost Idols
Excellent adventure clicker in which you pass across various territories and fight against monsters, plants, skeletons. Take yourself in team of the knight, a wolf, the soldier. You pass bosses receive a chest with treasures and dress subjects on characte
Minecraft Parking
Вы катаетесь по миру из блоков на различных транспортных средствах. Цель игры собрать за минимальное время все звезды и припарковаться в положенном месте. Игра крамивая в стиле майнкрафта, любителям этого жанра понравиться.
Clicker Wheels 2
In game you should help a wheel to come to the finish, on the road collect coins and dollar banknotes, modernize employ passive clickers and reach as soon as possible the end of the route.
Idle Monster Slayers
In game you employ soldiers: archers, magicians, priests, paladins, necromancers and knights who passively cause a loss, for it you earn coins and you can buy modernizations.
Accelo Alone
You pass levels of various complexity in this children's arcadian game. Help a small white small square to pass through various dangerous subjects which jump chaotically fly and don't allow you to leave the room.
Tough Love Machine
Соедините два одиноких сердца. В разных уровнях вы встретитесь с различными сложностями, управляйте стрелками и клавишами w,a,s,d чтобы руками придвинуть два влюбленных сердечка к друг другу.
Time Clickers
Very cool game in which you have to shoot at targets, not just stupidly in one place by clicking with the mouse. Earning money you hire additional weapons that shoot at targets passively.
Детская логическая игра в которой вы должны уничтожить всех зомби стреляя в них из пожарного шланга. Наполняйте, смывайте огибайте препятствия и очистите все комнаты от нечисти.
Super Sports Surgery Basketball
You the surgeon also do operations on various patients who get to you with changes, cuts, bleeding and other problems. Do virtual operation surgery, process wounds, take subjects, put bandages, process cuts and do band operations.
2 Frost Bite 2
Помогите парню который оказался среди гор в морозную погоду. Вам предстоит подыматься вверх избегая ловушек, булав и монстров. Собирайте буквы, мороженное и другие сладости чтобы получить бонус. Используйте свой крюк чтобы преодолеть врагов и избежать смерти.
Battle For Blood
The good thought-over logical game in which you assemble identical blocks having built them on a vertical or a horizontal, you receive for removal of the line one, two or three various soldiers for example: archer, swordsman, kopeyshchik, healer. Tactical
Hero simulator
Interesting clicker in which you begin with the simple fighter and you develop to the real knight. You extract metal, you forge the weapon and an armor, you hunt on bandits and criminals, you go in for alchemy, trade. Pump over the hero, make investments
Mustache Attack
Excellent strelyaka walker in which you must rescue his stolen family. Once I arrived at the picnic, and Satan stole your wife and two children. Seek them, kill the enemy, shoot from different weapons ranging from a slingshot, bananas, gun, bits and endin
Hardware Tycoon
Good 3d clicker in which you sell different devices for PC. First you sell wireless mouse, and then memory, speakers, power supplies, hard drives, monitors, processors and more. Use mouse to produce the goods, then the hiring manager that automate the pro
Excellent unique step-by-step strategy with an excellent plot and graphics. You the ordinary hard worker from the market who decided to rescue the kingdom from invasion of monsters. Take a sword and go to an adventure full of various aggressive enemies, b
Gravity Driver 2
Operate the vehicle that travels through the tunnel. The car pulls to the ground so that it can not roll over. Perform a variety of mission critical distance drive through and embed in unnecessary barriers.
Hat Fall
A fun game in which you have to help the guy to catch a falling hat.Point your character on the pitch is marked on the ground and catch hat.At higher levels, there are still men who hinder the implementation of the missions.
Idle Digger
I see the clicker is under construction. You also collect a variety of precious materials pumped pick, dig up a certain amount you can move on to more expensive materials.
The First Winter Rain
Отличная игра с хорошим музыкальным сопровождением, двигайтесь на мотоцикле по ночному городу, обьезжайте машины, наезжайте на бонусные поля которые увеличат скорость вашего передвижения и пройдите всю дистанцию.
Money Makers
In the game you have to develop from a simple worker to a great boss. You take the easiest work and earn very little. For the money, you learn and you can go to a better paying job. Having accumulated traded on exchanges, buy and sell shares.
Bad Piggies Online 2015
Cool new part of the pigs that were at war with the evil birds. You have to build, design various items. Create vehicle plant to a pig and collect all the stars and boxes.
Idle Warrior
In this game you are going through a variety of terrain and fought with animals. Suck agility, strength, intelligence. The game is not finished but I think that will soon get a pretty not bad clicker.
2 Hot Air 2 All Blow up
Вы играете шариком, надо выполнить несколько логических заданий, вы можете управлять шаром с помощью вентилятора. Когда необходимо, надо будет дуть в ту сторону сторону, чтобы шар полетел в нужном вам направлении.
5 Word Play 2 5 Differences
В этой логической игре вам надо будет найти 5 различий на картинке, и пометить их. Игра на вашу внимательность, и логику.
Robotics Factory
In the game you press the button, earn gold to hire workers who bring you passive income. Emerging technologies in a factory and build a robot.
3 Monkey GO Happy Ninjas 3
В этом квесте вы путешествуете обезьянкой по Японии где должны собрать все камни и убить всех нинзя которые прячуться в различных местах. Разгадывайте загадки, находите скрытые предметы.
Monster Crusher
Соберите в каждой комнате все золото и драгоценные камни. Вы бросаете жадного тролля который готов умереть за богатства.
In the game you build a mine, University, barracks, towers and earn gold. For the money, you are improving the characteristics of any building and hire heroes who go into the forest and fight with the dragons. Suck heroes earn gold and defeat the main dra
2 Nightflies 2
Помогите маленьким светлячкам взять лампочки и вставить их в фонари. Вы управляете жуком который может убирать блоки, платформы. Правильно делайте каждый шаг так как у вас не много попыток.
In the game you develop tourism, Leases bicycles, buses. Earning money, you can keep the planes, trains and even a rocket to fly into space.