Designers – is special sets of parts that can be assembled everything that pleases – is a separate class of toys, which has recently become particularly popular not only among children but also among adults. These toys do not just help how to have fun, but also develop a lot of useful skills. LEGO, without a doubt, the most famous of these designers. This real constructor is very interesting to collect, using all the imagination and ingenuity. But play with ready-made models are not so exciting. Games LEGO give the ability to really liven up all your creatures, collected from a favorite designer and take part in their exciting adventures. Games LEGO – a wonderful world of unlimited possibilities and freedom for creativity and fun. Get all of your abilities and talents, build the coolest cars, ships, airplanes, helicopters, robots, dragons – whatever – and play with them from the heart!
Despite the fact that the designer – is, at first glance, exclusively male occupation, the creators have taken care of inquisitive young lady. LEGO Games for girls allow the fair sex to engage in all that they love so much – to communicate, to visit the trendy shops and beauty salons, to get acquainted with the boys, and more! Lego Friends line was created specifically for girls and deservedly adored them.
For boys the same LEGO – it’s not just the designer, it is a real world full of a variety of adventure and favorite characters. LEGO Games for boys carry little brave to any of the most popular fantasy realities, where never a dull moment!
Games LEGO – a phrase familiar to every second child of the world. The more popular brands of children’s designers today do not exist. Weight analogues, appearing on the market every day, in one degree or another copy LEGO. But nobody was able to surpass its popularity.
A little history
Company LEGO – was created in 1932, its headquarters is located in Denmark. In the same city it built the most extensive amusement park LEGOland, consisting only of the details of the designer.
The founder of the company is Ole KirkChristiansen. By profession he was a carpenter, but he was always fascinated by not only their craft. At first he tried to design and build children’s toys made of plastic, but after the invention of the LEGO brick in 1949 switched to him.