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mouse games
Anti Zombie Bunker
You operate the bunker and the gun which protects all on military base. Having killed crowds of the zombie you can improve characteristics of the gun and modernize base having made her more is more hardy. Shoot, launch missiles, a shocker and destroy the
Dots Revamped
Классная игра на реакцию, вы управляете персонажем и должны собрать другие шарики не зацепив при этом злых. Набрав определенное количество очков вы можете открыть новый уровень и нового юнита.
Where is Cat?
В этой логической игре вам надо найти в начале кота, а потом вещи которые он попросит, вроде тарелки, чашки, кекса, и тому подобное. Пока вы не найдете всех вещей, которые хотел кот.
Zombie Cats
In this game you play as a little dog who needs to get out of the place is full of cats zombies, you need to have time to solve how to get on before you get to the cats.
Dawn Of The Sniper 2
Very accurate game with the most beautiful graphics and physics. You the sniper also have to protect people from invasion of the zombie. Shoot at everything that moves and rescue the purposes from death. Aim and shoot at the head, buy modifiers in shop, b
Zombies vs Nora
Not straining shooter in which you protect base from attack of stupid zombies who run to you and try to destroy a fence to try a human flesh. Shoot, buy new trunks and you extinguish reptiles.
Idle Tree 2
Very attractive and originally issued second part of game in which you grow up various plants and trees. Improve methods of production of coins, increase levels and buy a car a clicker.
Elite Squad
In the game you are protecting residential areas and the city from the attacks of the zombies.Zombies come in a variety of categories: fat men are slow but they have a lot of life, thin chemicals they are fast they aim to poison you.Arrange the correct mi
I Need Water 2
Your friend needs water, and you are a plumber trying to cool him spend pipe with water.To do this you need to add up the pieces of the pipeline from one part of the tube to the other, so that the water flowed to your friend.
Stick Squad 4
Вы профессиональный убийца и выполняете в разных городах и странах миссии по уничтожению важных фигур. Читайте брифинг стреляйте только в тех кто описан в задании, покупайте за полученные деньги новые виды орудий.
Luka&Lara: Robo Abduction
Однажды глубокой темной ночью влюбленную пару похитили роботы инопланетяне. Вам предстоит выбраться из космического корабля. Для начала найдите выход из заточение, затем найдите девочку Лару и разрушьте корабль перед отправкой на землю.
Escape From Smart Bedroom
В последнее время все больше появляется логических игр, в которых нужно находить предметы, объединять и находить взаимосвязь между ними. Отгадывайте загадки, решайте задачи и найдите ключ чтобы покинуть комнату.
Video Game Monsters
Стреляйте вышкой по монстрам. Для стрельбы придерживаете нажатой кнопку мыши, и потом отпускаете ее.
Koala Kid
В этой короткой логической детской игре вам надо выполнять различные задания вместе с ребеночком коалы. Помогите ему выполнить все задания и дойти до тортика.
Keeper Of The Grove 3
Excellent game of a genre protection by towers, you protect treasures from ghosts, dragons, orks, and other monsters. Build trees, golems, ice dragons and robots to stop army of the opponent.
Battle for the Souls
Увлекательная стратегия в которой войны сил света и тьмы как всегда враждуют. У вас под контролем есть острова на которых расположена армия, улучшайте характеристики острова, захватывайте объекты которые усилят ваше влияние и мощь и уничтожьте своего врага.
The New Idle Blacksmith
Extract various materials, process them, forge products and receive money. For coins investigate new types of production of materials and become the successful smith.
Cyclopean clicker
Cool game in which you destroy the attacking monsters. Click on enemies and in the field, restore health of the character and improve passive characteristics.
Death Arena Reality Show
Вы помогаете летучей мышке прорваться через полчища монстров. Убивая их вы получаете золото за которое можете улучшить силу атаки, скорость передвижения, мощность заклинаний и прочие бонусы. Проходите босов и раунды различной сложности, зарабатывайте звез
Wacky Strike
Who will win, boys or girls, it's just a battle judge.In this strange game you are fighting toys, and defend your base from destruction.Do troops, better from, and then be able to win.
Frozen Islands New Horizons
The second part of adventure game where you Vikings travel by the seas and oceans and you seize islands. When you took the island under the control you can levy a tax in gold and at the expense of this money to improve or employ stronger troops. Everythin
Electric Rubber 2
The second part of cool game which is alternative to clickers. You drive a mouse on the area and you receive electricity, you convert it in currency and you buy various updatings. Automate system and become the magnate on energy sale.
Idle Vikings RPG
Create the kingdom and army of Vikings. Everything begins is banal you get a tree, a stone, food both other materials and minerals. Selling them you can earn money for which you can employ to yourself army of bandits. Choose to yourself the character from
Eternal Pharaoh
Create the empire construct many pyramids at the expense of slaves. Click to strike with a lash of the worker and earn points for which you can buy still slaves, employ women for pleasure, army for protection and so on.
Old TV
Break the old TV striking on it with a fist. At the beginning the father costs and the TV beats, then the fat child who too kicks a box joins it. Call the telemaster it causes a big loss to the TV, he is beaten by current he flies into a rage and without
Social Idle
Originally thought up game in style of mini human life on a social network. You fill in data: a name, a surname, the city, date of birth also you start inviting friends. The more boys and girls will put likes the more you will earn and you can start posti
Monkey Defense
В игре обезьяна сидит на дереве и бросает бананы, кокосы и ананасы в аборигенов которые хотят её поймать и зажарить на костре. Убивайте варваров, птиц, собирайте монеты и бонусы.
Donutosaur 2
Решаете различные головоломки, для того,чтобы скушать вкусную конфетку, в общем игра на вашу сообразительность и умение находить выход из не стандартных ситуаций.
Angry Red Button
Забавная игра которая рассказывает про одну злую и агрессивную красную кнопку. Игра начинается с того что кнопка общается со своими разноцветными клавишами друзьями, но разговор их не сложился и красный уходит, ну а дальше что с ней случилось вы увидите.
Immersed Hero
The simple not really graphically executed clicker, you attack on the monster, having killed him couple of tens times you battle to the boss, over time having saved up money you get passive attack and so you develop you won't reach the heaviest and epic m
Детская логическая в которой вы управляете двумя монстрами и помогаете им скушать еду. Помогайте друг другу но не касайтесь так как умрете, перелетайте пропасти и шипы и переходите к новому более сложному раунду.
Fast Minion
В этой игре вам надо лететь вверх, при этом топливо собирать надо в процессе полета. Перелетайте через препятствия, удачного вам полета.
Halfling Tycoon
In game you as the farmer who on an empty site tries to develop, earn and become man of means. In fact it is possible to call game a clicker as you help clicking on a cow, food, the wood. Get a tree, water, tangerines, food, milk sell and receive gold. De
Trolling Lion Jump
Помогите Льву прыгать с платформы на платформу собирая куриц бекон и прочие вкусные предметы. Прыгайте аккуратно и рассчитывайте скорость шаров. Делайте комбо и собирайте лица клоунов.
City Traffic 3D
In this game you play as the leader of the intersection, you can accelerate the car, so they do not have an accident, in general, with every level of the movement will be more intense.
Idle Lifting
In game you pump over the dude who at first very slowly and with a small weight squats. Increase the weight and speed of knee-bends.
Clicker Wheels 2
In game you should help a wheel to come to the finish, on the road collect coins and dollar banknotes, modernize employ passive clickers and reach as soon as possible the end of the route.
Super Sports Surgery Basketball
You the surgeon also do operations on various patients who get to you with changes, cuts, bleeding and other problems. Do virtual operation surgery, process wounds, take subjects, put bandages, process cuts and do band operations.
Battle For Blood
The good thought-over logical game in which you assemble identical blocks having built them on a vertical or a horizontal, you receive for removal of the line one, two or three various soldiers for example: archer, swordsman, kopeyshchik, healer. Tactical
Hero simulator
Interesting clicker in which you begin with the simple fighter and you develop to the real knight. You extract metal, you forge the weapon and an armor, you hunt on bandits and criminals, you go in for alchemy, trade. Pump over the hero, make investments
Excellent unique step-by-step strategy with an excellent plot and graphics. You the ordinary hard worker from the market who decided to rescue the kingdom from invasion of monsters. Take a sword and go to an adventure full of various aggressive enemies, b
Hardware Tycoon
Good 3d clicker in which you sell different devices for PC. First you sell wireless mouse, and then memory, speakers, power supplies, hard drives, monitors, processors and more. Use mouse to produce the goods, then the hiring manager that automate the pro
Disaster Will Strike 5
You play in the world of eggs, where some eggs to kill others.The thing in the appearance of just one yaaytsam in this game shooter like no other and they all decided to perekolotit, but did not manage to beat all the eggs.
Idle Digger
I see the clicker is under construction. You also collect a variety of precious materials pumped pick, dig up a certain amount you can move on to more expensive materials.
Money Makers
In the game you have to develop from a simple worker to a great boss. You take the easiest work and earn very little. For the money, you learn and you can go to a better paying job. Having accumulated traded on exchanges, buy and sell shares.
2 Hot Air 2 All Blow up
Вы играете шариком, надо выполнить несколько логических заданий, вы можете управлять шаром с помощью вентилятора. Когда необходимо, надо будет дуть в ту сторону сторону, чтобы шар полетел в нужном вам направлении.
Bad Piggies Online 2015
Cool new part of the pigs that were at war with the evil birds. You have to build, design various items. Create vehicle plant to a pig and collect all the stars and boxes.
Robotics Factory
In the game you press the button, earn gold to hire workers who bring you passive income. Emerging technologies in a factory and build a robot.