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Games for children
Big Hero 6 Kill Zombies
You play for the animated character, your purpose to hit the target for the minimum quantity of shots. Shoot a ricochet, use bonuses and exempt the city from living dead persons.
Bad Piggies Online 2016
Good children's logical game in which you help pigs to collect various elements and subjects. Design the vehicle, collect stars and various bonuses which will help you on excellent to pass level.
My Adventure Book 2
Погрузитесь в это удивительное приключение и помогите парню решить все задачи и загадки чтобы спасти принцессу. Как и во всех квестах вам надо найти в предметах подсказки, символы, цифры и применить их. Удачи
Dots Revamped
Классная игра на реакцию, вы управляете персонажем и должны собрать другие шарики не зацепив при этом злых. Набрав определенное количество очков вы можете открыть новый уровень и нового юнита.
Wheely 6
Willie 6 returned. The red car continues the adventure. When you with the wife left to make purchases and to see cinema. You were moved to fantastic story with the angry wizard. Travel through the world of the fairy tale, clicking around and guessing ridd
Dino Ice Age 2
Красивая детская логическая игра в которую можно играть с другом, вам предстоит помогать друг другу для того чтобы выбраться из комнаты. собирайте фрукты и мясо, подымайтесь на платформах, тушите огонь и не попадайте в ловушки.
Super Candy Gems
Логическая игра в которой вы должны зажав мышку объеденить в одну линию шарики одинакового цвета. Смотрите задания каких и сколько конфет вам нужно собрать чтобы перейти на новый более тяжелый уровнень. Поставьте свой рекорд.
Steam Rocket
Help the little man to assemble rocket spare parts in time. Fly about the room, shoot at enemies and by means of a magnet attract details to a steam-engine, having assembled the unit don't forget to sit down in it to move to the following level.
Where is Cat?
В этой логической игре вам надо найти в начале кота, а потом вещи которые он попросит, вроде тарелки, чашки, кекса, и тому подобное. Пока вы не найдете всех вещей, которые хотел кот.
Jump out the Computer
Классная логическа русская десткая игра в которой вы помогаете сверчку выбраться из компьютера. Направляйте его так чтобы он мог собрать три звезды и влететь в отверстие. Наслаждайтесь красивой графикой и прикольными загадками.
Hungry Grew 3
В этой логической игре вам надо начертить так путь конфет, чтобы они попали прямо в здорового малыша. Все конфеты, тогда он будет доволен, и вы сможете перейти на другой уровень.
Office Escaper
Cool toy in which you escaped from office and for you your chief and the manager run. Climb on a pole ignoring various office obstacles up and reach an exit.
Basket Ball
Вы играете за мяч, которому надо попасть в баскетбольную сетку, но для этого надо преодолеть много препятствий и трудностей на своем пути.
Idle Choco Tycoon
In game you grow up nuts, you extract milk and sugar, you employ people who do for you this work. You build factories and plants which do various candies and you employ sales department which sells and does you richer.
Katja Escape 2
Вы попали в лабораторию из которой нужно найти выход за 60 минут. Вам предстоит собирать предметы комбинировать их, искать подсказки и отгадывать различной сложности загадки. Будьте внимательны и как можно скорее устраните неисправность и сохраните себе жизнь.
Escape the Game
Мужчина который тестировал баги игры попал в игру и теперь ему предстоит разгадать кучу загадок, провести диалогов и найти способ выбраться из видео игры.
Idle Tree 2
Very attractive and originally issued second part of game in which you grow up various plants and trees. Improve methods of production of coins, increase levels and buy a car a clicker.
Businessman Simulator
The pleasant game made in two languages is Russian and English. You start earning money selling hamburgers and pizza then having earned by money you open clubs with prefixes. Having saved up a state you open the airport and a casino. Click with a mouse fo
Elite Squad
In the game you are protecting residential areas and the city from the attacks of the zombies.Zombies come in a variety of categories: fat men are slow but they have a lot of life, thin chemicals they are fast they aim to poison you.Arrange the correct mi
Whelly 2
The second part of an adventure of the favourite small car which fell in love with the charming crimson machine. Achieve her Love having solved all riddles and having passed all obstacles.
Whelly 1
We play for the brave machine which having seen the announcement about the beginning of an automobile tournament, runs away from salon and to seek for competitions. Help clicking with a mouse subjects to pass various difficulties.
Nyan Cat FLY!
In game you fly a cat through open spaces of space and you gather various tasty cakes. Don't select vegetables as our pet doesn't love them.
Towns & Money
The cool clicker made on the basis of a 3D cursor. You have the city and people from whom you raise money, collect bonuses, develop the city, buy modifiers and modernize production of money.
Cube Escape: Case 23
In game you investigate murder, you won't find the reason yet and you won't reveal secret you can't leave the room. Click on all subjects, you find catches, include logic and solve this terrible murder.
Idle Quotes
Fresh clicker in which you select letters to receive the word, the quicker you press a mouse the quicker you find necessary letters. Having received the word you earn gold for which you employ teachers, of professors, writers and they help you.
Koala Kid
В этой короткой логической детской игре вам надо выполнять различные задания вместе с ребеночком коалы. Помогите ему выполнить все задания и дойти до тортика.
The New Idle Blacksmith
Extract various materials, process them, forge products and receive money. For coins investigate new types of production of materials and become the successful smith.
Katjas Escape The Pharaohs Tomb
Археолог и исследователь Екатерина зашла в пещеры Фараона и за ней закрылась дверь, помогите девушки найти выход. Отгадывайте загадки, избегайте ловушек, подбирайте и комбинируйте предметы, создавайте новые и вперед к солнечному свету.
Cyclopean clicker
Cool game in which you destroy the attacking monsters. Click on enemies and in the field, restore health of the character and improve passive characteristics.
Death Arena Reality Show
Вы помогаете летучей мышке прорваться через полчища монстров. Убивая их вы получаете золото за которое можете улучшить силу атаки, скорость передвижения, мощность заклинаний и прочие бонусы. Проходите босов и раунды различной сложности, зарабатывайте звез
Specter Knight
Very good game with excellent graphics and a plot. Everything begins with that in the knight who bravely died in a dungeon, the spirit of the soldier is installed and you start going on various rooms, to kill monsters and to collect various subjects which
Spider the Fox
Plunge into the 3D world of a little fox who lives in the house on the flying island. Carry out missions and help a little red animal to fulfill her dream, to return on the earth.
Electric Rubber 2
The second part of cool game which is alternative to clickers. You drive a mouse on the area and you receive electricity, you convert it in currency and you buy various updatings. Automate system and become the magnate on energy sale.
Frozen Islands New Horizons
The second part of adventure game where you Vikings travel by the seas and oceans and you seize islands. When you took the island under the control you can levy a tax in gold and at the expense of this money to improve or employ stronger troops. Everythin
Idle Vikings RPG
Create the kingdom and army of Vikings. Everything begins is banal you get a tree, a stone, food both other materials and minerals. Selling them you can earn money for which you can employ to yourself army of bandits. Choose to yourself the character from
Social Idle
Originally thought up game in style of mini human life on a social network. You fill in data: a name, a surname, the city, date of birth also you start inviting friends. The more boys and girls will put likes the more you will earn and you can start posti
Old TV
Break the old TV striking on it with a fist. At the beginning the father costs and the TV beats, then the fat child who too kicks a box joins it. Call the telemaster it causes a big loss to the TV, he is beaten by current he flies into a rage and without
Immense Army
Create the army from such units as: swordsman, archer, magician, paladin, sorcerer, shooter. Game somewhere is similar to a clicker to you it is necessary to increase a mouse troops and to go to the wood to be at war with necromancers, ogrs, werewolves, vampires and other opponents. Pump over attack and endurance and smooth out all lands and territories from the enemy.
Insert coin
You throw a coin into the slot machine to which the thread is attached. Pull out a coin avoiding obstacle which can cut off a rope. Set up the record and write it to the comment.
Детская логическая в которой вы управляете двумя монстрами и помогаете им скушать еду. Помогайте друг другу но не касайтесь так как умрете, перелетайте пропасти и шипы и переходите к новому более сложному раунду.
2 Bad Ice-cream 2
Игра чем-то похожа на пакмена только вы играете за мороженное которое за время должно скушать бананы, мандарины, арбузы. Будьте аккуратны рядом ходят монстры которые легко могут вас проглотить. Чем быстрее вы пройдете раунд тем больше очков заработаете.
Trolling Lion Jump
Помогите Льву прыгать с платформы на платформу собирая куриц бекон и прочие вкусные предметы. Прыгайте аккуратно и рассчитывайте скорость шаров. Делайте комбо и собирайте лица клоунов.
Halfling Tycoon
In game you as the farmer who on an empty site tries to develop, earn and become man of means. In fact it is possible to call game a clicker as you help clicking on a cow, food, the wood. Get a tree, water, tangerines, food, milk sell and receive gold. De
Minecraft Parking
Вы катаетесь по миру из блоков на различных транспортных средствах. Цель игры собрать за минимальное время все звезды и припарковаться в положенном месте. Игра крамивая в стиле майнкрафта, любителям этого жанра понравиться.
Crusaders of the Lost Idols
Excellent adventure clicker in which you pass across various territories and fight against monsters, plants, skeletons. Take yourself in team of the knight, a wolf, the soldier. You pass bosses receive a chest with treasures and dress subjects on characte
My Dolphin Show 7
All game takes place in a dolphinarium before you public and your trainer. Execute tricks please audience, the better you carry out the more audience is replenished with people. Don't bring the trainer and pass all levels with various complexity. This chi
Idle Monster Slayers
In game you employ soldiers: archers, magicians, priests, paladins, necromancers and knights who passively cause a loss, for it you earn coins and you can buy modernizations.
Accelo Alone
You pass levels of various complexity in this children's arcadian game. Help a small white small square to pass through various dangerous subjects which jump chaotically fly and don't allow you to leave the room.