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Action games
Gravity Heroes Escape
In this game you should reach the spaceship which has to rescue you, for this purpose you should pass all traps. Use keys for change of gravitation on the opposite. Or special rotary mechanisms on corners
X-Mas Slingshot Fun
Игра похожа на Злых Птичек, но зимой, и вам надо сбивать не свинок, а коробки с подарками. А так все остальное, все тоже самое. Растягиваете рогатку, и стреляете.
V8 Winter Parking 2
You should park in the winter cars, thus you have very slippery covering, and you can't hook on any of cars. Try to place everything into place
Kid Evil: Kills Christmas
Вам надо убить всех странный существ , при этом вы можете менять свое оружие, и учиться делать различные вещи. Иногда вам попадаются боссы, их бывает убить не так просто, как кажется.
Управление: WASD - стрелять, Стрелки - ходить.
Eggy's Death Chamber
You should survive in a place where eggs will try to kill you, shoot at them, don't receive a yolk yet. On this money you will be able to buy improvements. And then war will proceed. You shouldn't try to be crushed by eggs
After Gear
In it to game on the planet there was a cataclysm, and only robots and various mechanisms, you one of them survived. Old and rusty
Spaceman 2024
You the astronaut who got on I behave in a queer way. planet. And there you have to kill all locals, and seize the planet. You feel sorry for nobody and you kill all in the most various ways, you after all the maniac, differently and can't be. You were se
Douchebag Beach Club
You should be pumped up, put on, to deserve popularity to remove all girls in this club. First of all go to a rocking chair, swing muscles to 100%, buy proteins and chemistry in shop. Then you go to put on, well further that remained. And all girls i
Super Battle City 2
You the driver of the tank, and you should destroy the opponent, thus it is necessary to perform sometimes various tasks. Improve the tank, and you win against all
Helicopter 2: Bomber
You the pilot of the helicopter who has to destroy bandits. Let's the car reach up to the end. Try to shoot from everything that is possible
Christmas Elf Delivery
Вы работаете доставщиком подарков для деда Мороза. И вам надо довести как можно больше подарков до конца пути, и за определенное время. У вас ограничения будут показаны вверху экрана.
My Dolphin Show 8
You should stage show with a dolphin, and your earnings, and number of visitors at you on show depend on it. If tricks are bad, the audience will leave and vice versa if you try, people will be becomes more increasing, and more. your earnings depend on it
5 Minutes to Kill Yourself: Reloaded
Generally, it is the third part of the well-known game Kill yourself in 5 minutes. This time you should kill also yourself within 5 minutes, differently you will go to meeting, using all make-shifts at work. The most effective is the umbrella, in departme
Treasures Boom
Вам надо взорвать сундук с деньгами бомбой, но так, чтобы у вас она взорвалась в момент нахождения возле сундука с деньгами. Для этого вам надо будет преодолеть несколько препятствий.
Hitstick 2 No Time for Diplomacy
In this game you should kill all around. To reach the most important chief, and too to shoot him
StrikeForce Kitty League
Yo new part of favourite game Shock group of Kittens: League of Soldiers. You should pump over cats to be exact their force, speed endurance. Winning in fights you earn currency and in shop you can purchase abilities and clothes for fighters. Pleasant game!
Five Nights Mega Parking
You should park cars in the specified places, having not strongly damaged them. It occurs all under the screen of night
Flood Runner 2
Вы делаете забег в этой игре, но ваша скорость нарастает все быстрее и быстрее, вам надо суметь удержаться на такой скорости, и преодолеть все препятствия.
Feed and Grow: Fish
You fish who is other fishes, in this game with good graphics from the first person. Eat more fishes, and don't get more largely to fish, differently you be already eaten
Cody Jones And The Island Of Death
Cool quest where to you you as the son of Indiana Jones, and to you it is necessary to rescue the father, thus to guess some riddles, or to solve some puzzles. Pack all things which you see, then from them collect subjects
King of the Tribal War
You should win against the opposite lock, for this purpose you create the troops, find them, and you try not to assume that have destroyed your lock. For this purpose there are guns, only I haven't understood something as to attach them. But also so in ge
Sponge Bob spedy paints
You SpongeBob, and you should escape from the Plankton which pursues for you on the robot, at you will come across on the way much various obstacles. But you have a shop in which you can buy improvements
Batman the Rooftop Caper
Вам надо с помощью бетмана уничтожить всех врагов, но сморите за уровнем жизни и бедте внимательнее.
Crush tower
You should manage to reach the princess before expires time. For this purpose start improving the skills in shop, buy various subjects, and then everything will turn out
Meow War
Newcomers who very much like milk arrived. They decided to select him at all cows. You opposed as group of cats newcomers to return yourself milk of cows
Rage 3
You want to release the anger on someone? Then this game for you. Shoot and kill all, To from you see. Or simply hammer, burn, or do something else with people around
Uphill Rush 6
You on a yellow duck ride waterslides, you do feints, tricks. Earn gold, force down people, do a somersault and derive pleasure from game.
Monster Force War 3
Вам надо победить своего противника строя свою армию и совершенсвуя ее. Стройте больше юнитов.
Immortal Souls: Dark
You should kill all demons. It is game represents step-by-step strategists., and which you battle almost like in Mortal Combat, but step by step. Management happens a mouse, you to a vibirayta sequence of actions in the bottom of a window
Cannon Time!
You should bring down a gun a chest, or boxes in input. Sometimes a chest it isn't visible, then it is necessary to shoot a wall, or to destroy something to see it. Generally you should destroy everything that there is a wooden
Ben 10: Alien Strike
Manage the favourite character who turns into the super hero and kills all bad guys on the way. Shoot at monsters, jump over dangerous subjects and punish the opponent.
Seppuku Jisei
Your troops ran, and you соатлись one. You needed only to make a hara-kiri, but before it we should write the prebudget poem. For this purpose it is necessary to destroy as much as possible soldier of the opponent. The sea of blood waits for you in this g
Cover Orange: Journey. Gangsters
You should protect tangerine from a rain from stones and fraction. For this purpose you should hide it somewhere, differently it will be beaten by a rain
Cheese Dreams
Help cheese to run away from the spaceship which is operated by mice
Sift Heads 5
You move away leaders of gangs this game. But you have an opponent who wants not to allow to you to make it.You are waited by 20 various, and not boring missions, and it is a lot of types of weapon
Duck's Inferno
The duck escaped from the chief of a hell, he wanted it to prepare and to eat, and wants to revenge all for the death. You should pass nine circles of a hell in this game and to clear them of everything, on it you begin from below
Fire Helicopter
Вы летчик пожарного вертолета, и вам надо тужить пожары по всему лесу. Вам надо успеть набрать воды и вылить его на огонь.
Pig Destroyer
Вы играете за свинью, которая разрушает все на своем пути. Это противоположность Ангри Бердс. Особенно птицы ей не понравились, и она старается разрушить все что у них есть. Игра чем-то напоминает Ангри Бердс.
Super Muzhik
Generally you play for the superman, but once when you thumped, some guys stuck to you and to beat off from them, you use as shells of ordinary people, throwing them on the enemy. Sometimes you are lucky, and you have a weapon. Generally, don't forget to
Russian Truck
You the Soviet production have cars, and you should perform by them a number of tasks, such as, you should transport something, and thus without having lost on the road
Hut War Tactic 2
In this game you take huts, you should take all huts which are to the opponent, then battle will be won
You forgot everything that remembered and to remember everything you should pass a long journey, to remember everything, and to get new friends
Zombie Town Story
You should destroy everything, all zombies, it and is your main objective. You should try
Crime City 3D
Game one continuous meat, you run around the city you assemble the weapon and shall for short terms kill all criminals. You get on tanks, helicopters, take the flare pistol and you take down everything that you see. Undermine machines, blow up buildings a
Mad Day 2
You quietly lived until aliens seized Earth. You should rescue the friend. In this game you should pass all way to the end, thus to survive, improve the car, the weapon. Try to avoid bombs and other obstacles
Drunk-Fu Wasted Masters
You somehow well zabukhat once, and send yourself down the street as from where don't undertake, the same drunk crowd got out of bar. It stuck to you. Show all who owns the Booze Foo better, you can call friends to the aid, and arrange a mass duel on the
Finger Vs Farmers
You climb the finger to the farmer who quietly lived. It against climbed to it, and tries to banish you, but you direct democracy in its economy, and you accustom the owner of a farm to be tolerant, and to honor democracy and freedom. It is necessary to p
Fortress Monster Tower 2
Вам надо оборонять вашу дорогу от врагов, и не пропустить никого, для этого стройте больше хижин, и выпускайте больше солдат. Делайте улучшения.