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Action games
Loot Heroes 2
In this game you should choose the hero and to pass with him all vault, gradually finding various useful things, and improving him. You should win against all enemies and to survive in this strange place
Tiny Sword Warrior
In this beautiful game you play as a knight who must pass a dangerous dungeon.You have to kill everyone and collect useful stuff.
Zevil 2: the City of Terror
In this game you play as a cop and your job is to clear the city of zombies, but watch out, because they can attack you from anywhere.Use your skills in the game in order to survive.
Pirate Run Away
Вы играете за молодого моряка Боби. Вам надо убежать от пирата, при этом остаться в живых остерегаясь других врагов и препятствий.
5 Minutes To Kill Yourself: Airport
You've come to the airport, but there you are overcome by a feeling of frustration and depression.You should try to kill yourself within 5 minutes of all the ways that you can find.Otherwise, you will need to go back and stand in endless queues.
Вы самый лучший метатель копья, и только от вас зависит судьба многих людей. Вам надо освободить всех, при этом уничтожив всех врагов.
3 Little Heroes
You need to guard their castles from enemies.You are a fearless warrior who is not afraid of anyone.
Dirk Valentine
Вам надо спасти принцессу. Для этого у вас есть особенное оружие - им можно не только побеждать врагов, но и делать переходы, для того, чтобы подняться как можно выше. Используйте это свойство при передвижении.
Adventures of Jack
The cruel game in which the young guy looks for as to relax. More accurately with police and the granny.
Armor Picross 2
Monogram - puzzles have become very popular for a long time, since their invention in 1987.This is a fun game for all ages.
Fortuga Siege
Вам надо защититься от мечей, которые падают на ваше убежище.
Sushi Showdown
Помгите повару убить всех монстров и освободить пленников.
Video Game Monsters
Стреляйте вышкой по монстрам. Для стрельбы придерживаете нажатой кнопку мыши, и потом отпускаете ее.
Robot Tarantula
You have to build a robot, and then destroy everything around this robot.
Super Tank
You have to manage a tank in which you have to perform various tasks.We can improve it, buying new things.The main thing to get to the end.
Nomzilla Munching Mayhem
You need to eat people as much as possible and try not to fall under the arrows and bullets, in general, the more people you eat, the more points you will.
Wacky Pirate 2
Это игра вроде морского боя, вам надо уничтожать все корабли, которые проплывают мимо вас.
Los Angeles Shark
Cruel game in which you operate a shark and you eat everything what to meet at you on the way, these are people, helicopters, planes, catamarans, sea inhabitants and even a time machine.
Specter Knight
Very good game with excellent graphics and a plot. Everything begins with that in the knight who bravely died in a dungeon, the spirit of the soldier is installed and you start going on various rooms, to kill monsters and to collect various subjects which
FPS Zombie Range
Very eerie 3D game about zombies.You have to kill them as much as possible, do not let them break a board at the entrance to the house.
Feed Us 4
This game is about how one day in one plane transported the terrible piranhas in the pool, but she was so angry that he was able to break the pool and break the plane which was flying.
City Traffic 3D
In this game you play as the leader of the intersection, you can accelerate the car, so they do not have an accident, in general, with every level of the movement will be more intense.
Sentry Knight Conquest
In the game Sentry Knight Conquest you should release a crown, for this purpose you need to win against all enemies, running away and shooting at them from various weapon
Rogan the Swordmaster
You have to kill all around, kill everything you see, make improvements, and again kill everything you see.The main idea of the game Rogan the Swordmaster - kill all.Do not spare anyone, everyone will be killed.
Crush the Castle Adventures
In the game you have to follow orders of their king, firing catapult, cannon. Destroyed and then capturing castles, increasing the area of the kingdom. The shells come in different versions. On our site you will find the 1,2,3,4 of the game to destroy t
Taxi Express
You works as the taxi driver, and you should bring the client to the destination happy and whole. Carry people accurately, your salary and your life depends on it
Chibi Knight
For a long time there is a legend of the knight Chibi who will come to the destroyed and plundered country to voostanovit the country and to bear justice on her lands
Rafter Toad
Вы играете за жабу, вам надо проплыть все препятсвия на своем пути, собирая комаров и другие призы. Вас ждет много приключений.
Dad 'n Me
You play for the obebashenny muscleman who wets all kids and teenagers. Breaks sandboxes, blows up cylinders, rushes various objects. Beat all in this cruel game, be accurate there are those who can mash to you the back
Классная пошаговая игра в которой вы боритесь против зомби и прочих противников. Сначала вы играете один но потом можете нанимать себе команду, прокачивайте умения и навыки, получайте бонусные вещи за убийство противников и уничтожьте всех боссов.
Walk Home
Вам надо довести дедушку до дома, на пути его будут ждать много препятствий, от которых можно отбиться кнопками YZXCV, а перемещаться можно конпками.
Toss the Turtle
.In the game you shoot the gun out of the turtle trying to send it as far as possible. Use balls, explosives and other means that he flew the maximum distance.
Rekido Princess Rescue
Уничтожьте всех врагов, спасите принцессу с помощью ниндзи Редико. Множество препятствий будут ожидать вас, но вы справитесь с ними.
Try Harder
Попробуйте преодолеть все препятствия, делая все, что будет в подсказках, ваша задача пробежать как можно дальше. Пробел - прыжок через лаву или на стену. В общем вам надо выжить, и добежать до конца.
Fruit Defense 4
This four part Fruit Defense - fun game.Build a defense to the enemy could not get to you, because some holons ever. Choose a weapon, build towers, do improve.In general, success.
The Four Clatters
Generally you have 4 kids, you should manage to make everything That to them it was good how many seconds you will be able to hold on, in it all and a question
Max Fury Death Racer
In general, you have a cool car with a gun, you need to destroy all the other cars, and improve your car and complete all the tasks that are provided in this game.
Knightmare Tower
Powers of darkness have captured 10 princesses and has ground in a tower at the different levels. You the knight who has decided to oppose the forces of evil and to save princesses. You fly up killing monsters, collecting elixirs, improve the armor and sa
Bois Dark
Very interesting and fascinating game in which there are at choice three characters of the archer. In a game you protect the lock shooting a bow, each of characters has abilities, the characteristics. You need to pass 16 levels and to kill the boss of "Dr
Berserk Ball 2
New Berserk Ball 2 with a heap of new modernizations. A new game contains the fourth level, it is a lot of new enemies, the improved balance, skills and many other things. For those who isn't familiar with the first part of a game, gemply is simple, every
The Keeper Of 4 Elements
The dark Lord with the army has gone to the mystical island to take control of the mysteries of ancient magic and to use them for the evil plans. But the island has a defender who owns in every way the nature: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth. In a game it is nec
Alien Anarchy
Shooter game cool online. You are team of aliens who because of breakage fell to the ground. But angry people want to take technologies of aliens. Kill enemies, buy new guns, protect yours the bunker fortress, passing rounds collect trophies, increasing l
Siegius Arena
On the arena you the gladiator, and the gladiator has only two ways or death or life, get to yourself freedom on the arena having won against all rivals. Winning in fights, you can buy to yourself new lats, potions and weapon. Killing enemies you beat out
Gears of Revolution
Используйте свое оружие чтоб уничтожить врага. Останавливайте механизмы и препятствуйте тому, чтобы они разрушали схемы главного компьютера, который поддерживает мир. Используйте мечи, взрывчатку, лазеры чтобы защититься. Приобретайте необходимые модернизации и улучшения.
Finger vs Axes
The first issue of the brutal fighting game where you battle against fleas. Use your index finger to stab and beat her tiny, but armed enemy. Of course, he will not show mercy and so he hit the ax again and again. Try to resist his cruelty without much ha
Epic Coaster
В игре вы мчитесь по городу на тележке с американских горок. Ваша задача как можно дальше проехать минуя всяческие препятствия. Сейчас мы проверим на сколько ты ловкий!
2 Save my Garden 2
Вы должны защитить свой урожай и разместить башни правильно. У каждой башни воина есть различная уникальные возможности, будьте очень внимательными и разместите их в правильное стратегическое место.
Epic Fall
Ограбление могил опасный метод дохода денег. Вы потерпели неудачи и падаете в ущелье. Помогите нашему герою Джеку Хартону выжить. Стреляйте в сокровища, собирайте бонусы и не умрите.