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Idle Quotes
Fresh clicker in which you select letters to receive the word, the quicker you press a mouse the quicker you find necessary letters. Having received the word you earn gold for which you employ teachers, of professors, writers and they help you.
Koala Kid
В этой короткой логической детской игре вам надо выполнять различные задания вместе с ребеночком коалы. Помогите ему выполнить все задания и дойти до тортика.
Super Tank
You have to manage a tank in which you have to perform various tasks.We can improve it, buying new things.The main thing to get to the end.
Keeper Of The Grove 3
Excellent game of a genre protection by towers, you protect treasures from ghosts, dragons, orks, and other monsters. Build trees, golems, ice dragons and robots to stop army of the opponent.
Solarmax 2
In this puzzle you need a strategy to capture a planet with its atmosphere, try to capture as much of the planets before it will make the enemy.
The New Idle Blacksmith
Extract various materials, process them, forge products and receive money. For coins investigate new types of production of materials and become the successful smith.
Cyclopean clicker
Cool game in which you destroy the attacking monsters. Click on enemies and in the field, restore health of the character and improve passive characteristics.
Frozen Islands: New Horizons
This war economic strategy, where you have to capture the island with the natives, and surrounded their tribute, the money you buy a new army, weapons, improvements and exciting new islands even until you become rich.
Electric Rubber 2
The second part of cool game which is alternative to clickers. You drive a mouse on the area and you receive electricity, you convert it in currency and you buy various updatings. Automate system and become the magnate on energy sale.
Idle Vikings RPG
Create the kingdom and army of Vikings. Everything begins is banal you get a tree, a stone, food both other materials and minerals. Selling them you can earn money for which you can employ to yourself army of bandits. Choose to yourself the character from
Social Idle
Originally thought up game in style of mini human life on a social network. You fill in data: a name, a surname, the city, date of birth also you start inviting friends. The more boys and girls will put likes the more you will earn and you can start posti
Age of Defense 8
In general, you are to defend your base, build new units, improve weapons and shoot at enemies.
2 Human Vs Monster 2
Стратегия, в которой вам надо сражаться, создавать свою армию, улучшать ее, и проявлять все способности мозга, чтобы победить в не равной борьбе против монстров. В общем, как показала практика, вам лучше всего взять солдат по 20 монет, и лучников по 40, и прокачать их до последнего пятого уровня, так вы сможете дойти в этой игре где-то до середины, и не забывайте улучшать танки и вертолеты, но не покупайте из до середины уровней, все равно они умрут. А где-то на середине уже надо их брать. В общем, а это этого берите врага количеством.
Immersed Hero
The simple not really graphically executed clicker, you attack on the monster, having killed him couple of tens times you battle to the boss, over time having saved up money you get passive attack and so you develop you won't reach the heaviest and epic m
Immense Army
Create the army from such units as: swordsman, archer, magician, paladin, sorcerer, shooter. Game somewhere is similar to a clicker to you it is necessary to increase a mouse troops and to go to the wood to be at war with necromancers, ogrs, werewolves, vampires and other opponents. Pump over attack and endurance and smooth out all lands and territories from the enemy.
Детская логическая в которой вы управляете двумя монстрами и помогаете им скушать еду. Помогайте друг другу но не касайтесь так как умрете, перелетайте пропасти и шипы и переходите к новому более сложному раунду.
Halfling Tycoon
In game you as the farmer who on an empty site tries to develop, earn and become man of means. In fact it is possible to call game a clicker as you help clicking on a cow, food, the wood. Get a tree, water, tangerines, food, milk sell and receive gold. De
Trolling Lion Jump
Помогите Льву прыгать с платформы на платформу собирая куриц бекон и прочие вкусные предметы. Прыгайте аккуратно и рассчитывайте скорость шаров. Делайте комбо и собирайте лица клоунов.
Coinbox TapTap
Simple 3D clicker in which you have to beat out coins from a square then employ passive collectors and improve the volume, quantity and cost of coins. Click, collect, improve and reach a development limit.
Idle Lifting
In game you pump over the dude who at first very slowly and with a small weight squats. Increase the weight and speed of knee-bends.
Idle Monster Slayers
In game you employ soldiers: archers, magicians, priests, paladins, necromancers and knights who passively cause a loss, for it you earn coins and you can buy modernizations.
Clicker Wheels 2
In game you should help a wheel to come to the finish, on the road collect coins and dollar banknotes, modernize employ passive clickers and reach as soon as possible the end of the route.
Accelo Alone
You pass levels of various complexity in this children's arcadian game. Help a small white small square to pass through various dangerous subjects which jump chaotically fly and don't allow you to leave the room.
3 Farmer 3 Seasons
В этой игре вы играете за фермера. Вам надо восстановить ферму, и привести ее в порядок, после этого вам надо стать самым настоящим процветающим фермером.
Hardware Tycoon
Good 3d clicker in which you sell different devices for PC. First you sell wireless mouse, and then memory, speakers, power supplies, hard drives, monitors, processors and more. Use mouse to produce the goods, then the hiring manager that automate the pro
Idle Digger
I see the clicker is under construction. You also collect a variety of precious materials pumped pick, dig up a certain amount you can move on to more expensive materials.
Money Makers
In the game you have to develop from a simple worker to a great boss. You take the easiest work and earn very little. For the money, you learn and you can go to a better paying job. Having accumulated traded on exchanges, buy and sell shares.
Idle Warrior
In this game you are going through a variety of terrain and fought with animals. Suck agility, strength, intelligence. The game is not finished but I think that will soon get a pretty not bad clicker.
Bad Piggies Online 2015
Cool new part of the pigs that were at war with the evil birds. You have to build, design various items. Create vehicle plant to a pig and collect all the stars and boxes.
In the game you build a mine, University, barracks, towers and earn gold. For the money, you are improving the characteristics of any building and hire heroes who go into the forest and fight with the dragons. Suck heroes earn gold and defeat the main dra
2 Nightflies 2
Помогите маленьким светлячкам взять лампочки и вставить их в фонари. Вы управляете жуком который может убирать блоки, платформы. Правильно делайте каждый шаг так как у вас не много попыток.
North Clans
A logical strategy game, you have to grab the whole territory, and expand your influence on the continent, it will solve all your tactics and strategy.In this game you have to concentrate and not be sprayed in many areas, concentrated its forces on the bo
Electric Rubber
An unusual game in which you have led the mouse to create a current that charges the battery. Increase the capacity of the battery, buy a passive production of electricity and reach the limit. The game graphics are not just very beautiful but can be Like
Idle Killer
Good clicker, you develop military bases and you are at war. Build barracks, plants for construction of tanks, aviation bases and shipbuilding plants, robots and train specialtroops. It is good to play game on the full screen.
Pony clicker
Click on a pony, earn coins, recruit friends to accelerate the production of gold. How to reach the limit, go to the menu and click Reset, you will see the percentage of production to be if you start from the beginning.
Space Click Fighters
You are the captain of a spaceship, our boat attack various ships and bosses. Killing the enemy, you can improve and add a new weapon. I earn enough money you can buy a new ship that has bonuses for certain guns and more space for additional tools.
Adam and Eve 3
In the game you have to rescue Adam from the queen's apartments. You are leaving the palace in front of you but expect many more mysteries and traps. Use various items include the brain and get to the sweetheart.
Alone Zombiewoods
Plunge into very interesting adventure in which you play for the guy who took the wheel having drunk thus beer, he went on the long dark road and saw something in the distance it there was a Zombie, the guy by the name of Vail moved down after the journey
You play as a little animal named Tim, he fights with various monsters and bosses. In order to earn money and buy our hero good armor and weapons you click the mouse. Buy legendary artifacts and get to the ringleader.
In the game you create a production by selling pizzas. Hire managers, operators, developers, build restaurants, palaces generally develop in every way and earn money by selling their products.
Mister Mine
You are doing a variety of materials production. Do you have employees who manually extracted materials, and there is a special unit that digs the earth. Sell resources, upgrade the workflow and explore all the latest technology.
Age of War
Exciting real-time strategy, build armies, protect your castle, and go from stone to bronze, copper and iron age. Each time has its own army, its guns. Grow faster enemy properly manage money and defeat the opponent.
Colonial Wars Special Edition
Ваша задача захватить как можно больше островов, посылайте как можно больше кораблей, но смотрите, чем больше вы пошлете экспедиций, тем слабее останетесь, и если вам займется сильный враг, то ваши владения перейдут к нему. Ваша задача перераспределить ресурсы так, чтобы вы смогли отбиться и от врага, и захватить как можно больше пространства. Не забывайте улучшать свои навыки покупая в магазине новые улучшения.
Papas Cheeseria
Before the game you have to choose who will play for a girl named Scarlet, or a boy, Rudy, also have the opportunity to create their own individual character. As in other parts of the arcade games from Papa Louis you manage a restaurant, cook meals and de
Missile Strike
Ваша цель в игре направить ракету и уничтожить инопланетянина. В полете к цели соберите все звезды не зацепив препятствия и попадите в пришельца.
Game Init
Вам надо помочь маленькому непонятному существу из программного мира преодолеть все ловушки и препятствия. Этот человек общается программным кодом, вам надо понять его, хотя в принципе и так все понятно.
In the game you sell candy, ice cream and even bones. Raising the level you can throw a character, pump speed, production, experience, and other parameters. Open all the levels and become the richest man on earth.
Hire soldiers, perform her mission, kill enemies and bosses, and open all the awards. Press on the green cross to treat yourself to earn a gold coin to gold and to attack the enemy to shoot. Do not forget to go to the store to buy new widgets that will he